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Tips & Tricks to be a Great Porn Actor by Rick Hard

23 juin 2016


As a male pornstar, I would tell you how to have the right mindset to be able to perform and have success in this industry. It’s not just a physical job. Personally, I believe it’s more psychological than physical. The best male performers don’t always have the best physique, but they do have the mind for it. To name a few pornstars who are able to perform well and have managed to be successful and have earned millions in the adult industry: Ron Jeremy, Rocco Siffredi, James Deen, Randy West, Jon Dough and John Holmes. These performers don’t necessarily have the best physique, but they knew how to perform well and to survive in this grueling business.

Rules To have the Best Mind Set

1.The Right Attitude

The most important thing that a male performer should have to get the most gigs, is the right attitude especially towards the producers and co-workers. Producers allow you the chance to have intercourse with beautiful girls, never take them for granted, always show them respect.

Also, when you perform with your co-workers, always be respectful towards them, but what is most important too, is keep a distance with them outside of work. In my career, I use to try to make friends with everyone, and that got me in the world of gossiping, drama and the like. Some of the girls like to party a lot, and when you party you tend to drink and when you drink you tend to say stuff that you regret it, and some people use the stuff that you said against you or put it on social media. A major rule to have more gigs in the industry, is to get avoid Gossip and Drama. Serious producers wouldn’t like to hire a performer who is seen in a negative light due to the drama around them.

2.Being Low Profile

One of the major factors I realize over the years to have more opportunities is to be low profile, by being low key you tend to be away from the politics within the industry, the competition between production companies. When you are low key, and you go to a scene and you perform well and you leave quickly after, trust me the producers would be more then happy to call you back. It’s all about self-control. For example, one male performer used to fall in love with every girl that he worked with, in the beginning the girls seem to be happy by his charm, but after he kept calling them back, to a point it became some sort of harassment. Some girls like to exaggerate the facts too, the point being, in the end it did create a bad reputation for the male performer and it came to the ears of the producers. The adult business in Canada is very small, you have to keep a net reputation otherwise you wont have anymore opportunities.

Here is a quote from T.T Boy a well known pornstar that had over 1000 scenes and he did produce several movies over a 3 decades’ period, to show you the importance of being low profile

I’ve got some good friends like Jon Dough, Peter North, Steve Hatcher . . . I’m not close with that many people. I’m not a Captain Friendly. I’m not a bullshit artist.

3.Stay Sober ( Do Not Get Intoxicated In Public, No Alcohol, No Drugs)

Also, what I recommend the best for guys who want to be called again for other opportunities, is to attend porn conventions or casting parties. But the golden rule when you attend these events, is to stay sober, if you start to become intoxicated and not think twice about talking to people, you might get yourself into trouble, by saying some things to certain people who might envy you and try to destroy your reputation. If you go to these events, and you show that you don’t drink or use drugs and you act as a professional, the people around you would see that you are someone who is serious and is willing to work and well represent the industry.

4.Do not having intercourse with your co-workers outside of the scene – Set your own Ethic and Values

Also, don’t get me wrong, I am not saying don’t be socially reclusive, but don’t to be to intimate with your co-workers, like trying to have sex outside of camera or partying too much. What worked for me, it’s the fact I have a code of ethic that I applied, to never sleep with a girl outside of camera, like the old adage don’t Fuck with the payroll, by having intercourse outside of work, you are playing with fire, you open the gates of gossiping and drama, and trust me you don’t want to be involve in those things. A girl if she is mad and she is well known in the business could try to defame you on social media or talk behind your back to several producers say that you harass her to slept with her, etc.… And the producers would be afraid to hire you. Unless if the girl decides to have a serious relationship with you, that’s another story…

5.Don’t be an Hypocrite – Confront people Face to Face – Do not talk behind someone back

When someone in the industry is bothering you, one of the other golden rule do not talk behind people back even you are right, even if this person is a crook or did hurt you. Because when you talk behind someone back, people won’t trust you that much. They would think that you would talk behind their back too. In a small business like the adult entertainment in Canada, when you have a problem with someone the best way to solve it it’s to just move on, or if it is something that really hurt you is to confront the person face to face. And people around will notice this guy has guts and has strong ethical values, he is not wasting your time by bad mouthing people. And don’t forget, good Karma always end up to working out in your favor. Always be humble, actions speak louder than words.

How to be psyched out for being able to perform well in a front of camera and not being camera shy? Many guys think they are able to perform of doing this job, they think it’s easy to just fuck a girl and being able to cum on her face… If it was that easy how come there only a small percentage of male pornstars that are able to make over a 6 digit contracts in the whole world? If it was that easy, everybody would do it…

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Pegasus:  Toutes nos vidéos ont en moyenne 28 minutes et sont en qualité:
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Pegasus:  C'est clair! On a plein de catégories de vidéos: Anal, Trips-à-trois, Gros Seins, Lesbiennes, Pipes, Castings, Milf et plein d'autres séparées sur plusieurs sites thématiques... y'en a pour tous les goûts:
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En quelle langue sont les vidéos ?

Pegasus:  Toutes les vidéos de Pegas sont tournées en Québécois (francophone). Il y a aussi des sous-titres anglais pour les anglophones.

Est-ce que tout le contenu est Québécois ?

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Virement Bancaire
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