Le site Web Mtl Blog a publié un article sur notre cours d’acteur Porno “Pegas 101”
En voici un extrait:
One porn production company, Pegas Productions, is giving men in Quebec the chance to fulfill a dream they’ve had since they were 13: becoming a fully-fledged porn actor. Not just taking any joe schmoe off the street (there’s already a few porn series doing that anyway) Pegas is getting academic, and offering male hopefuls a Pegas 101 intro to pornographic acting course, Journal de Quebec reports.
Don’t think this is just a psuedo-formality in order to get a bunch of male porn actors, as Pegas is taking the course pretty seriously. Not wanting a bunch of flops who won’t perform under the pressure of filming, the course acts as a screening process as well as an educational experience. And yes, that was a double sexual innuendo’d sentence.
Source et Article complet: MTL Blog