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Logo Pegas Productions Divertissement pour adultes Porn Québec

Rick Hard on How Should Be the Future of Porn

27 juillet 2016


For ages, pornography has always been disapproved and badly seen, like it was a grouping of broken souls. If we do a lexical field of adult entertainment, we would often see such nouns like organized crime, escort, unemployment, violence, poor, mental illness, drug abuse, junkies, laziness, cupidity, thugs, perversion, etc. You can clearly see as the common run of people perceives the adult industry. These perceptions towards pornography frustrates me to the highest point. I will explain my personal theory how to change this bad reputation to a good one towards people.

Personally, there is a bit of truth in the nouns that I had regrouped above-mentioned. As a pornographic actor, I have lived bad and good experiences. But the way of changing all the bad stereotypes towards pornography is to give an example for the future generations.

Background Check and Drugs Screening

The production companies should tighten the screw with the performers, making sure that they are performing, but also they possess values and that they are ethically responsible. When a candidate applies for a white-collar job such as a banking institution, the government or to be part of a professional order like in the field or medical doctors, accountant, engineer, etc. All those employers make a criminal background check to all the candidates that are applying to that kind of employment. The reason for this, when an employee handles the money of a bank or represents the government, the employer wants reliable employees. This procedure should be applied in the adult industry, when a performer will do an explicit sexual act it will be seen worldwide. We have to demonstrate that the people working in the business are fully responsible. Then the producers shouldn’t tolerate that the actors and actresses have prior, for them to apply as performers even if a girl is a bombshell.

Some companies do screening test for sexually transmitted disease. However the organizations should do drugs screening tests. What I mean by drugs, it’s not prescribed medications by medical doctors, its recreational drugs such as cocaine, cannabis, all kinds of amphetamines that we could be procured on the black market. For instance, when a candidate applies for truck organization to drive an eighteen-wheel truck, or if he apply to the emergency service, they do drugs screening. Those tests should be included in the adult entertainment. If we apply that kind of procedure, the performers while on set doing sexual act, will be lucid and sober. If a candidate is tested positive several times, he should be fired; this kind of punishment would force the actors and actresses to adopt a healthy and responsible lifestyle. As a side effect the common run of people would stop associate drugs to pornography.

XXX Union or Professional Order

Furthermore, the adult industry should have a union or a professional order. If we have an order, the performers will be less vulnerable towards some producers that are stingy and malicious. Union could dictate the market price for the actors and actresses. Every organization should respect the price establish by the Union. For example, for a vaginal penetration, a girl should get paid 550$ and a guy 200 to 250$. For a casting, a new girl should get 400$ and new guy 100$. If the adult industry has a Union, this kind of politic would avoid that some producers try to bring down the price of actors and actress, and use scheme during shady castings. To have a Union in the adult industry, the government should give subventions to the companies. Every organization that operates in the adult business, that does not respect the convention elaborate by the Union, should have to pay a fine or being totally removed. By doing so, the industry would avoid bigger problems, we would have a better reputation and all the taboos concerning the porn business would be eradicated once it for all. It will be efficient that the syndicate could give free aid to the employees, the performers are human, the major corporations offer those kind of program, it should be applied in the world of pornography. The performers should have collective insurance and they have been working for several years for a specific organization, the company should deliver a retirement premium and we shouldn’t be left in our own.

Otherwise, the industry should require a minimum of academical education. It would be wise that the performers finish at least the minimum of education that would be high school. If it was for me, I would suggest that the performers finish a college degree. The producers should encourage school success towards their employees. The producers have to assure that the employees are performing well in front of their camera as much in their personal and academic life. This would permit that we have more knowledgable individuals and less vulnerable person that want to make a quick buck and that could be victims of producers that only think about their own wallet.

Creation of an Academic Program

Thereafter, it will be interested that the government give an academic program for students that want to work in the adult business. The government should be implicated in making sure that will not be some private firms or institutions such as ABC Inc., that want make money quickly on the back of naïve persons. This program would include courses in sexology, biology, sociology, multimedia tasking such as video-editing, and filmmaking. Students that would graduate from that program would learn about sexual performance, but also they would acquire skills in filmmaking to be eligible to work in some organization that have been well established. By doing this, pornography would be more socially accepted, it will be less marginal, and the performer will not condemn having precarious jobs, because some people have recognized the performer in adult movies. In addition, the technologies have grown so fast in the adult entertainment, such as the virtual reality, if the producers do continuous training in those kinds of technologies, they will always be in action the adult entertainment and they would be more advance than their competitors.


In conclusion, this is how I see the future of pornography should be, to assure that it could be accepted socially. One day , I would like to see lawyers, judge, doctors, politicians that could performers in adult movies and the industry do not suffer any kind of prejudice. As human beings, we have done so many exploits during the 20th century that have been considerate impossible, like the annihilation of the British Empire who had so many colonies. Also, many third world countries like India have had their independency. We were able to walk on the moon , destroy the Berlin Wall, and we elected an Afro-American for the presidency of the United States of America. It is time for the next generations that pornography would be accepted by everyone and it rule by professionals and by forward-thinkers. Here is a brief summary of the key points of my vision of the future of pornography

  • Organizations should request that their performers are doing drugs screening test to make sure they are responsible during their shoots.
  • To be eligible to perform in the adult industry, we should have a strict minimum of education like a high school diploma or even finishing their college degree. To make sure that the performers have an academic education.
  • The industry should have a Union or a professional order and that the companies respect that Union or Order. The performers should a collective agreement to make sure they are not left on their own.
  • The government should give public subsidies to a college or university program that will give classes to be a performer and also a producer. That program would lead the students whether they could start their own porn production or have a stable employment in organization that is well established.
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Pegasus:  C'est clair! On a plein de catégories de vidéos: Anal, Trips-à-trois, Gros Seins, Lesbiennes, Pipes, Castings, Milf et plein d'autres séparées sur plusieurs sites thématiques... y'en a pour tous les goûts:
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En quelle langue sont les vidéos ?

Pegasus:  Toutes les vidéos de Pegas sont tournées en Québécois (francophone). Il y a aussi des sous-titres anglais pour les anglophones.

Est-ce que tout le contenu est Québécois ?

Pegasus:  Yep, tout le contenu est Québécois et exclusif à Pegas Productions. Ce sont des vidéos que tu ne retrouveras nul part ailleurs.

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